Don Woods

Christmas and Sir Ken Dodd



To round off the Christmas play I have sent you two of the remaining songs….”Santa’s Song” and “In Me Christmas Stockin’”…..we have reached the stage where after our main hero Jimmy who doesn’t believe in Father Xmas wakes up on Xmas morning with no presents thus,to his mind,proving his point so he wanders round to his pals house to let him know he is right…meeting the milkman and the postman on the way…neither of whom can convince him he is wrong….he arrives at his mate’s to find him with all his presents….his pal then takes him down the road where Santa is just about to take off for home….he recognises Jimmy and tells him “if you don’t believe …you don’t get”….Jimmy apologises but Santa tells him it’s too late…he’ll have to wait til next year…Santa then sings his song explaining that it’s not just a once a year job.(Santa was played by my mate Carl Chase who can be seen in films like “The Mummy” and “Cut Throat Island”)….Jimmy is shattered….then suddenly he finds himself in his bedroom….he had been dreaming