Jase & Pj

Jase & PJ - Wednesday 14th February 2018



Happy Valentine’s Day, lovers! You know, it’s that time of the year when couples show their love for each other by sending cards, flowers and chocolates.And lucky PJ received a surprise gift from BJ. Aw, bless. Find out the very romantic (and hilarious) story behind it!It’s also PJ’s turn to share her six dating commandments. Do you think hers is better than Jase?And Jase brought in a very, very important person to meet PJ for another round of “Guest Who”. Here’s a little clue: You might not like them, but you will definitely know them.Plus, “Give Us The Facts” segment is back, where listeners call in to share three facts about themselves, and Jase & PJ has to try and determine what pet they own.