Podcast Inglês Online

Se ter gratidão atrai coisas boas… Então você tem que saber falar isso em inglês (Podcast)



Hello, all. Neste episódio, eu falo sobre dois idioms do inglês super comuns com o verbo count. Um deles é o que se usa pra dizer a uma pessoa que ela deveria ser grata. Transcrição Hello, all. This is the new episode of the Inglesonline podcast. Please subscribe to this podcast using the Podcasts app for iPhone or iPad, or listen to the episodes using the Inglesonline Android app. Thanks for all the comments at the iTunes store and if you haven't yet left a comment for this podcast please do so: the more comments for the Inglesonline podcast, the more people will find out about it and listen to the episodes. Thanks for telling your friends, your neighbours, your family and keep listening. So let's get started. I was thinking about our first idiom of today, which is related to gratitude and being grateful, and... Well, some people say that it is actually really important to be grateful or express gratitude. They say that being grateful will impact your life positively - it will not only make you feel good