Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Vou fazer o que você quer, mas com uma condição



What's up, everyone?  Hoje eu falo sobre como dizer as expressões "passar no farol vermelho" e "com uma condição" em inglês. Transcrição What's up, everyone? This episode of the Inglês Online podcast is brought to you by iTalki, the convenient, affordable way to get personalised instruction with a native teacher. Click the link on this episode's page to buy one class for your specific learning needs and get another one free. Please download our Android app or leave a comment about this podcast at the iTunes store. Thank you very much and enjoy the podcast! So let me present you this week with a couple of idioms that are, as always, very common and... I heard both of them this week, I don't remember where. Probably on some TV show or a podcast. And the reason they stuck with me is, we say the exact same thing in Brazil, but with slightly different words. So if we haven't heard or read these expressions enough and internalised them, guess what... It's our instinct to kind of translate the words we use in