Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Idioms com GOLD



Hey, everyone.  Hoje eu falo sobre alguns idioms do inglês com a palavra gold. Confira! Transcrição Hey, everyone. This episode of the Inglês Online podcast is brought to you by iTalki, the convenient, affordable way to get personalised instruction with a native teacher. Click the link on this episode's page to buy one class for your specific learning needs and get another one free. Please download our Android app or leave a comment about this podcast at the iTunes store. Thank you very much and enjoy the podcast! So today we have a few idioms with the word gold. I remember that, a number of years ago, someone referred me to a web developer and said, "He's gold." That's quite a compliment. My friend said that the web developer was gold. That means he thinks the guy is great, has lots of qualities - he is gold. So that one's very easy. Here's another idiom that you'll hear a lot when you watch American movies and TV shows: gold digger. Gold digger. It's usually applied to women, but it could be said of