Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Se Deus quiser



Hi, what's up?  Hoje eu falo sobre alguns idioms em inglês com a palavra God. Transcrição Hi, what's up? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast, and today we're looking into idioms with the word God. Please download our Android app or leave a comment about this podcast at the iTunes store. Thank you very much and enjoy the podcast! "Thank God it's Friday" Photo by bark / Creative Commons I guess one of the most commonly heard expressions with God is Thank God! We say basically the same thing in Brazil - thank God is what we say when we're relieved that something happened or didn't happen, and so on. "Thank God you got here on time! No one can get in after the gates have been closed." Reminds me of Vestibular in Brazil every year... "Thank God they have my size in blue." Thank God we were able to find a place to eat. Thank God it didn't rain last weekend. Thank God we have the Internet. Thank God it's still sunny outside... and so on and so forth. Oh, this one: TGIF - thank G