Kevin Whitsitt

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth Learning How to Do?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to answer the question is affiliate marketing worth learning how to do? I think learning how to do affiliate marketing the right way is a very valuable skill to learn for business in general. A great book about affiliate marketing is called “Dot Com Secrets” by Russel Brunson. In the beginning of the book Russel talks to a Chiropractor that is not making as much money as he would like. Russel also mentions that someone learned some of Chiropracting from YouTube and is making money from it. Of course that really angered his Chiropractor. In a nutshell Russel helped the chiropractor make a sales funnel for his business. Low ticket items up front, which the chiropractor was already doing. What the chiropractor was missing out on was the high ticket items towards the end of the sales funnel,  and this was why he wasn't doing as good as he c