Kevin Whitsitt

Is Affiliate Marketing Just a Fade?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Is affiliate marketing just a fade, will it go away in the future? The truth is nobody has a crystal ball, but I don't see it going away. As long as the internet is still around, affiliate marketing will be there. Of course the internet landscape will probably change. I just started experimenting with an app it's called LBRY and it's a blockchain that allows people to share videos. Maybe in a few years that will be the next big thing or maybe not. What I really like about affiliate marketing is your going to be on the internet regardless. Instead of using the internet to talk about politics, which you really don't have any control over or to brag about your kids, vacations or cars, why not empower yourself? The money is nice, but affiliate marketing also helps you get stronger as a person. When you can make money without having to punch a clock, it just feels g