Wilson Waffling

187: Perilous being a Pedestrian



Have you seen that advert when the woman is using a Microsoft computer which allows her to draw on it etc. I really like the advert, not because it’s Microsoft – heaven forbid!, but because of the title she gives herself. I sit in a lot of meetings when it comes to that moment when we all have to introduce ourselves and we go round the table. People have so many wonderful and impressive titles and jobs and when it comes to me I just say my name and suffer the resulting silence when people await further mentions of esteem only to be disappointed. When the woman in the Mircosoft advert introduces herself she says, author, travel writer and blogger – what a great job title! – I want it so bad! Anyway, this week’s waffle is all about being a pedestrian, not a blogger, author or travel writer, and how perilous it is becoming!