Fruits Of Life

Epi 17: Open to Love - Tools for the Heart Chakra



This episode opens with an initial immersion into the Heart Chakra with it's YAM seed sound for a brief moment.  Being present with oneself is vital in identifying what aspects of self development needs attention.  Your host reveals her personal reflections and what brought her to speak on the Heart.  The most powerful aspect is the opportunity to be Open to Love.   We dive into the qualities of the heart chakra or karkaru in the Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) cosmology.  The Kemetic Principles of Auset and Maat are added to the conversation about the heart chakra.  A comparison between being in alignment and out of alignment is offered.  The 12 Petals of the Lotus are shared and tips on how to align oneself using affirmation, chant, herbs, essential oils and stones is discussed.  Yoga poses specific to opening the heart and shoulders are suggested including Kemetic Yoga sequences to further support Opening to Love and aligning the heart chakra.  A ten minute seed sound chant is shared at the end of our reasoning