Joyce Barrie & Friends

Repeal and Replace TRUMP! - Dr. Bob Ruotolo tells why.



Dr. Bob Ruotolo thinks it's time to REPEAL AND REPLACE TRUMP!   Trump, our Commander in Tweet, is a bully, a racist, and an egocentric child.  Our country, under Trump, is the laughing stock of the world.  We can do better.  We must do better to preserve our values, our integrity, our democracy and our standing in the world.  We have to speak up and speak out!  As JFK said, "If not us, who?  If not now, when?"  Edmund Burke said,"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."  Get inspired today to play a role in the restoration of our values and to make "America Great Again"  by getting rid of Donald Trump as our leader.  Demand more of our leaders.  Fight for the impeachment of Trump.  Be a loud voice to your representatives in Congress.  Demand to be heard.  Keep on marching for justice for all.