Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Dr. Parag Kachalia talks about what's hot in dental technology, how to speak to the "new & now" audience and what it means when a tooth is "WFT".



Welcome back to the Dental Slang Podcast! We’ve got a wonderful guest today. Dr. Parag Kachalia is talking with us from California, from the heart of Silicon Valley, and he’s sharing some serious knowledge bombs when it comes to the future of dental technology. Dr. Parag is one of the Seattle Study Club’s Top 10 Young Educators, so you’re guaranteed to learn a little something on today’s episode.  First and foremost you will learn what Dr. Parag is a traveling man. He and his family take a trip abroad every year, but he’s also traveling a lot for work. He hops on a plane every Thursday, he says, whether it’s for lectures on digital technology or guest speeches on restorative dentistry for fellow dentists. He’s managed to find that balance between traveling for work and for pleasure and he’s sharing that secret with us today.  Other secrets will be revealed in today’s episode, including where and how you can find a different kind of dental mentor. We’ve talking about mentors before on our podcast, after all -