Em Pulse

Tech Talk



The amount of information we are expected to learn in medical school, residency, and beyond can be overwhelming - like drinking from a firehose! In this episode, we explore some ways in which physicians can leverage technology to help manage all of this information and facilitate life long learning. Several residents and attendings discuss what works for them, including using apps and online resources, and listening to podcasts. We then talk with Dr. Ryan Ribeira and Dr. Adam Dougherty of SimX about how they are using augmented and virtual reality to revolutionize medical simulation. Next, we talk with with Dr. Dina Wallin, creator of the Leader’s Library, on how she uses Slack to create a learning community of physicians across the globe. Finally, we discuss with education researcher, Dr. Jeff Riddell, about how and why physicians are turning to podcasts for learning and staying up to date, including some of the benefits and potential caveats.  Do you use technology for lifelong learning? Tell us how you