Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Ele tá me esnobando



How are you? Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms para usar quando alguém está dando aquela ignorada em outra pessoa. Observação: repare em como eu pronuncio o nome Anthony no podcast. Apesar de ele ter o TH, frequentemente é pronunciado no Reino Unido como faço aqui: com o som regular de T (como em Tony) e não TH (como em Kathy). Transcrição How are you? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So let's say you arrive at your friend Anthony's birthday party and you see some friends and you say hi to them, obviously, and then you see a few people you know - not very well, they're not close friends; they're acquaintances but you greet them as well, of course... So you decide to approach this little circle of people you know - it's two of your good friends, plus Sally who you've seen before and even exchanged a few words with but.. whom you don't know really well. She seems nice anyway, so, no worries there. So you