Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Ela faz isso com o pé nas costas



Hey, everybody. Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms super comuns com a palavra fish... Incluindo como dizer a frase do título deste pod. Enjoy! Transcrição Hey, everybody. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So imagine that it's a stressful day at the office. A stressful Friday, to be specific. You've got a million things to do and your phone seems to be ringing off the hook. You're getting ready to enter an important meeting when your work colleague approaches you and says "Hey buddy, have you heard about the new curtains in the meeting room? They're thinking about a purple pattern for the curtains but I'd really rather have a floral design. Can you swing by later today and take a look at the catalogue, see which ones you like? I think you'll agree with me - floral is the way to go." So you look at your colleague and say "Sounds important. However I do have four different meetings to attend this afternoon b