Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: É uma faca de dois gumes



How's it going? No episódio de hoje do podcast Inglês Online eu falo sobre como dizer “Meu, se controla!” e faca de dois gumes em inglês. Sempre bom saber! Ouça e se familiarize... Transcrição How's it going? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online Podcast app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, let's get started today with a great expression: get a grip! I've talked about a similar idiom before in a previous episode. In fact, there are many different ways of saying the same thing, so today we're going with Get a grip! You could say that telling someone to get a grip is an expression of tough love. You're telling someone to calm down. So, that person is obviously in a bad state in that particular moment and you're telling them to, you know... Get a grip! Take control of their emotions, and lower their voice if they're angry or shouting...