Outdoor Adventures With Jayson

Ep 059: James Reese creator of Bowhunters Of America



In this episode, I interview James Reese, the creator of Bowhunters Of America on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/howyalikemenow/about/) Bowhunters Of America is the largest hunting group on Facebook. It is family friendly with adults and children posting in the group. The group is managed to make sure that everyone is respectful to each other and any of their legally harvested animals. While the site focuses on bow hunting, it is an inclusive group and you can post/discuss any legally harvest animal taken by any means. James was able to attend the 2018 ATA Show (Archery Trade Association). Here James was able to see some new gear coming. A number of items are discussed and below are links to all the companies discussed:   Element Arrows (http://elementarcheryusa.com) Steady Form (http://www.steadyform.com) NAP (https://www.newarchery.com) Tooth of the Arrow Broadheads (https://toothofthearrow.com) Treezyn (https://treezyn.com) Bowtech (https://bowtecharchery.com) Excalibur Crossbows (http://www.exc