Rainbow Soul

Healing with Dr Daniels -Affordable Health Care Act



Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on November 4th at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. The show's title is Has the Affordable Health Care Act made you a Serf with no land?? The ACA has provided that your Employer can command your after work activities without paying you and threaten you with taking away money promised to you for hours already worked. This amounts to serfdom. Get the details and free yourself. Think happens – Tune in   Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on November 4th at 6pm EDT. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/ VOTE TODAY!!!!