Rainbow Soul

Healing with Dr Daniels - Are You Serving Time?



Please join Dr Jennifer Daniels on May 26, 2015 at 6pm EDT for the Healing with Dr Daniels Show. Today's topic is:  Are You Serving Time? Are You serving time; Imprisoned by the medical industrial complex?  Dr Daniels traces the motivation and decisions of a real life career criminal that led him to spend 35 years of his life behind bars.  Dr Daniels shows how the same motivations incarcerate you and how you can escape the prison of the Medical Industrial Complex once and for all while reclaiming your health.  Tune in.   Think Happens. What’s Hot, What’s Not. Tune as Dr Daniels gives her best picks as to the up coming trends in Healing, self - care, health care and healing. You heard it first here. Think Happens. Tune in to Healing with Dr Daniels on May 26, 2015. Listen by phone  (914-338-0695 or online click this link or copy this on your browser: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio Ask questions during the show, by phone call: 914-338-0695 or online go to http://healingwithdrdaniels.chatango.com/