The Oyster With Lauren Kress

Business Vision, Mission and Values



So excited about sharing this episode with you tonight!  This week we're talking about building out the very foundation of your business:  Your Business Vision, Mission and Values.  This is what we've been working towards over the past few weeks... In episode 2 we talked about finding your passion. Then, in episode 3, we talked about how to get to know your audience so we could start to find ways to commercialize your passion. This week, we're talking about: Your Vision - why does your company exist - where is it headed?  Your Mission - Who are you and what do you stand for? Your Values - What are the core principles that will guide your behaviour and the behaviour of others who work with you?  The book I refer to in tonight's episode is "Small Business, Big Vision" by Adam Toren and Matthew Toren. This week's question is: "What steps are you taking right now to start your business?" Leave your comments below and let's get talking about starting a business.