Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

Series: MANIFESTING LOVE: 1. Clearing the Blocks to Love - You are worthy!



Soul Soup with Dr. Janette Freeman:Manifesting Love: Part One: Clearing the Blocks to LoveThis series is on Manifesting more love in your life.  Sharing from the I Am teachings and doing a clearing process to clear what is blocking you from more love in your life, specifically the belief, "I am not enough, not worthy or deserving of love." Access worthiness and deserving from your Higher Self.  You are worthy and deserving!  Clear the blocks and access your I AM power, I Am worthy and deserving.   Be open and ready to attract love into your life!!www.drjanettefreeman.comwww.iamsourcecode.comThank you for your donations to our non profit spiritual organization where they are tax deductible: