
Stephen Jenkinson: The Making of an Elder



Stephen Jenkinson asks if just being older makes you an elder, than why are there more older people on this planet than ever before in history, but so few wise older people?  Author of Come of Age; the case for Elderhood in a Troubled World and Die Wise; A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul, Stephen drills down into the reasons for Boomers to stop working on self improvement and become stewards of our planet.  This is not a light hearted conversation, but a compelling one that just might change your life. The music on today's episode is Gregory Hoskins  - Nights of Grief and Mystery The 2019 Grief and Mystery Tour Dates click here Lost Nation Road, Film by Ian McKenzie click here Other Films by Ian McKenzie click here and here Info about Orphan Wisdom School and Stephen's website click here Books (click on the links below) Come of Age: A Case for Elderhood in Troubled Times Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul LondonReal Interview June 2019 click here