Sherry Trentini & The Life Reclamation Society

Owning What Feels Heavy



Based on the contents of the emotional backpack that you are carrying...who's names are on those rocks or what would you call them?  Are you naming them for an experience, for a person, for an overall theme or feeling? When you think of the contents, if you were to categorize them or put them into different piles as to what the source is, what would that look like for you? One of my big life influences has been Louise L. Hay, and her little blue book, Heal Your Body, has been a resource that I have used perpetually and have given multiple copies away to others.  When I read her first book "You can Heal Your Life", I fell deeply in love with the concept that I could be my own healer.   Through changing my language, both in my inner and outer dialogue I could change my life and be free of all that hindered me.  What I have learned is that sometimes the very tool that we use for the greater good can also put us in a place of blame. Blaming someone or something for our dis-ease or discord in o