
The Mislead - Field Notes from 40



Can’t. Yet. Tell. The story’s not over. The arc’s still unfolding.   This week I turned 40. Holy smokes.   When I started to imagine this podcast a couple years ago, I imagined this as the first episode: The Mislead. It’s close to my heart. Maybe a little too close. Feels dangerously close. Field notes from the moments, the seasons in our lives when the road swerves, the train comes off the tracks, the rugs are pulled, the wheels fall off and the road dead-ends. the unexpected crashes in. The mile-marker moments when we decide on the metrics we use to measure our lives. My heart’s been whispering this mutinous, terrifying challenge:  ‘The story you’re desperate to hear is the one you’re meant to live into, and tell.” This world needs stories of the exhilarating mislead. I haven’t heard enough of them. The ways the path swerved, and what we did with it. The ways our hopes and expectations were subverted—the ways things didn’t turn out—they ways things got funky. And so we did. We chose to get weird. The late b