God Conversations With Tania Harris

(03) “I Don’t Hear from God Like You Do”



It's a line I hear often. I heard it again recently chatting with a friend. I’d just shared one of those stories of how God had spoken - a prophetic dream that miraculously came to pass. She looks at me and says; “Oh, but I don't hear from God like you do..” The look of disappointment: the shoulder shrug of resignation. That feeling like it’s all too hard. What she said bothered me then and it bothers me now. I went away puzzling over it. Why? Why do I hear from God like that while she doesn't? She loves God. She's faithful. A godly family, a strong Christian. But she doesn't have a spectacular God-story like mine to share. Why is that? Some would say; it's a gifting right? That's because you're a pastor; that's your specialty. Some would say; Oh those kind of experiences are the exception. Normal life - even the Spirit-filled life - isn't like that. You shouldn't expect it to be.  Some would say; Faith is trusting God without words like that, without signs and fleeces. True faith doesn't need that stuf