God Conversations With Tania Harris

(012) God Conversations for those who can’t Sit Cross-legged for 5 Hours on a Mountaintop



Yes, the podcast today is for those who can’t find time in their busy schedules to get away for hours and sit cross-legged on a mountaintop! It may be the longest headline ever, but I think it encapsulates what we all long for. The thoughts in this podcast provide some solutions to our busyness problem and how to hear God’s voice in whatever situation we find ourselves. We start by looking at the introverted practises of the ancient mystics and the paradigms we have about hearing God’s voice as a result. Yes, it’s wonderful to get away, to extract yourself from life’s responsibilities and find a quiet place to clear your mind. But getting away is not always possible when there are toddlers running around our feet, or we’re pressing to meet that work deadline and our annual leave has run out. The good news is that it is possible to hear God’s voice whatever our day to day lives look like. The beauty of the new covenant is that the Holy Spirit will be with us wherever we go, whatever we do. God is with us i