God Conversations With Tania Harris

(014) Is it OK to Say ‘God Told Me’?



“Gold told me; ...to park my car here.” ...to divorce my wife.” ...to kill the Muslims.” It doesn’t take long in church life before you hear someone saying it. The words ‘God told me’ have been used to justify mass murder, the proliferation of a range of weird beliefs and abuses of power so heinous that you can’t really blame church leaders from throwing their hands up in the air in exasperation and saying you should never ever use them. Yet the characters of the Bible seemed to have no problem saying them. Our most famous stories begin with; “And the word of the Lord came to.. or “God spoke unto...,” or in the New Testament you are more likely to read; “The Holy Spirit said…” Is it ever okay to say ‘God told me’? Let’s turn that question around for a moment. It’s not okay when; You are using it to manipulate. This usually looks like; ‘God told me that YOU should do this for me.” We are responsible for our own actions; never the actions of others. God is more likely to speak to others about their own