God Conversations With Tania Harris

(024) How to Do the God-Life with David McCracken



You may have heard it said that being a Christian is boring - that it’s all about keeping the rules and making sure you don’t do things you’re not allowed to. Today’s interview turns that thought on its head. I’ve often said that when we when we follow the Holy Spirit, we replace the ‘good life’ with the God life - one which is full of supernatural adventure. When you listen to God’s voice and follow it, you end up doing things you’d never normally do and seeing miracles you wouldn’t normally see. That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to Pastor David McCracken on the show today! If you live in Australia, you probably already know his name. David is a well known prophet both nationally and overseas. He heads up a wonderful team based in Melbourne (David McCracken Ministries) and has an incredible reputation, having been in ministry for over 40 years, first as a pastor and now as an itinerant ministering in the prophetic. This podcast contains some gems that will help you live the god-life with wisdom and