Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

133. Killing Lazy



Killing Lazy   I have to admit Lazy is a bad word. Bad in the sense that everyone is incredibly lazy, yet few want to openly admit their first impulse, all the time, is to not get after it.     At first I made the mistake of thinking the bigger issue was work ethic. This nutty work ethic term seemed to overshadow every industry, even in the SEAL teams. From sales to marketing to operations to new hires and old hires I really thought I was looking at a work ethic problem.   Clearly the media pushes this notion that doubles as a work ethic/entitlement narrative. Good work ethic is a polar opposite to entitlement on the human level, because if I don’t have to work to survive or make a living the human won’t.   I literally have been looking at work ethic as the major cause of not only business failures or successes but also athletic and relationship ones. For gods sake few sales people want to make 50 calls a day to ask for business. Worse is the driver shortage in America, no one wants to work that hard even for