Lore Hunters

Jinn - Season 1 - EP 2



 JinnFor thousands of years, they’ve been around…By some accounts, they were around 2000 years before man was created.Yet when Westerners think of them, they usually imagine a form consisting of a blue mist -- usually coming out of a bottle or an ornate oil lamp -- that forms into a friendly human-like creature that is eager to offers you -- three wishes.These are the Jinn, unseen beings from another dimension.  In fact, Jinn in Arabic means, “hidden”, to indicate their usual state of being, hidden from the human world.The lore surrounding the Jinn is mostly from the Middle East, Africa and Asia.  Although the Middle Easterners and Asians think that what a Westerner refers to as a “ghost” is nothing more than a Jinn.Ibn Taymiyyah, an Islamic scholar, believed the jinn were generally untrustworthy, and account for a great deal of the so-called "magic" perceived by humans, cooperating with magicians to lift items in the air while remaining invisible, delivering distorted truths to fortune tellers, and imitating