Sylvia Global

Devoted Moms Coffee Break with Host Tasha & Regina



Sylvia Global's host Devoted Mom's hostess are Tasha and Regina.  Devoted Mom's now have media platform devoted to engaging conversations where mothers can be supportive of one another.  Devoted Mom's is especially designed for mothers who choose to devote themselves full-time to the ministry of being a mother, community participant and an example of pride in choosing home over full-time employment outside the home.  As a Devoted Mom, you may choose to be an advocate, self-employed, home school and more.  You combine your motherly passions with the work in and outside of your home.  Take a coffee break and share with other who are Devoted Moms. Join Tasha and Regina every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. PST/1:30 p.m. EST.  Call in LIVE and connect with them and other DEVOTED MOMS!  (347) 215-6138.  Subscribe at  Follow them @Sylviaglobal and "LIKE" on Facebook.