Warren Whitlock

Increase your Mobile Tempo with Raj Singh



Raj Singh is a mobile industry veteran and blogger with over a decade of experience working in all aspects of the mobile industry. Raj is a regular mobile writer and speaker including formal and guest blogging. Raj has also made contributions to a number of mobile user and expert groups including the JCP, MMA and the Bluetooth SIG. Raj is CEO and Founder of Tempo AI, Inc. Tempo AI was incubated at SRI International (birthplace of Siri) where Raj was an EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence). Designed to help busy professional prepare for what’s next, Tempo Smart Calendar is like having an assistant anticipate what you need and surface that information right in the calendar, when you need it most. By eliminating the need to use multiple apps to discover mutual contacts, cull relevant emails, find contact information, notify attendees if you’re running late or get directions to your next event, Tempo does more in one tap so you never miss a beat.