Leading In Color With Sarah Morgan

Raising Your DE&I-Q with Katrina Jones (Leading in Color - S1, Ep13)



Today's Leading In Color episode guest is Katrina Jones.  Katrina Jones is the head of diversity and inclusion for a major tech company headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her area of expertise and passion is in developing workplace solutions that increase organizational effectiveness, boost employee engagement, and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive work environment.  Katrina previously served as the HR and diversity lead at Vimeo, creating the company’s first-ever diversity strategy and plan to disrupt bias. She has also worked in a number of inclusion and diversity, and HR roles, with multinational companies, across industries.  Katrina holds an MA in Human Resource Management from The Catholic University of America. Here are the takeaways from this interview with Katrina:  HR vs DE&I … Organizations have to determine where diversity, equity and inclusion are best advocated for. Sometimes HR cannot be that place either because we’re too transactional or because we are too rigid and