Kimberly D. Scott

Caregivers Stories Podcast: Tracey S. Lawrence, Author of Dementia Sucks A Caregivers Journey – With Lessons Learned shares her caregiver's story



 Caregivers Stories podcast, Kimberly interviews Tracey Lawrence, Speaker-Trainer, Family Coach and Author of Dementia Sucks A Caregivers Journey – With Lessons Learned. Way back in 2003 Tracey had a successful career in graphic arts and was living with her husband in New Jersey while her parents were living a happy retirement in Florida. It was spring when she visited them. She remembered it so well because that was the time she found out that things were not going great for her father. There was a lot of cross complicating illness, and he had been misdiagnosed several times. It was Tracey who figured out that her dad had vascular dementia because he had coronary heart disease. Her father wished not to prolong his life and so around a year after he passed away. Her mother remained in Florida for a while, but when things started to become hard for her to live alone, Tracey asked her husband if her mother could live with them. Her husband agreed, so they packed her things and moved her to their home. &n