Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Listen to the Angels & Reap the Rewards!



NEW LIVE CALLER CALL-IN INSTRUCTIONS: Due to popular demand, please call in 10-15 min prior to air time for a chance to have the opportunity for Krista to channel live for you. No gaurantees so show up early! To ensure caller consent and optimum quality of the show, only a few callers will be selected, and no new callers will be accepted after the show goes live. Thank you! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE ASK AND LISTEN TO THE ANGELS  You not only get answers to your deepest questions, you also get to experience powerful healing energies from the Angelic realm, guidance and support! Krista channels  for select live callers to show you how to connect and get the answers you need, and to set you on the path to a miraculous life! Krista Moore is an angelic Channel, Healer, cert. Metaphysical Hypnotist (CH) and cert. Spiritual Director. She teaches, heals and channels for clients and participants and workshops and retreats all over the world. She works at her healing centre Miracles Grow Here in Toronto, Canada, and