Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

From Coping to Thriving with Channel of Light Krista Moore



From Coping to Thriving With Channeled Healing & Guidance from the Angels We all experience moments of stress or depletion in our energy field, body, heart, mind and soul. It takes work to transform our lives. Krista shares some of the things she has done to heal herself, including her work in Channeled Healing & Direction through the Angelic Realm. You too can find healing, hope, support and Light. Krista invites you to a method of work that is powerful, often immediate and with amazing results! Krista Moore also works with clients on Skype. To book your own private healing session go To be a caller on the show, please call in at least 10 minutes prior to show time, and we will do our best!  To ground the healing energies, make sure you are in a comfortable space where you can relax, and ground after the show by focusing your feet down into the earth, or having a glass of water. Thank you!