Inside Lenz Network

Shattered Lives: Victim Impact Statement from Mother of Murdered Son



Cathy Engel joins the discussion about her experience reading a victim impact statement during her murdered son's trial. "I do not know how to tell you how much Donna has helped me to get through a job no parent wants to do, tell the story of her murdered son’s life and death.  She was an answer to my prayer.  I know how very important the victim’s statement is in ensuring that my son will be heard.  In less than a week after speaking with me, a statement was prepared for my review.  I had found her at the last minute but she made sure that my statement was done.   Thank you, Donna, from the bottom of my heart.  You have written a beautiful statement that I would never have been able to do for my son.  This has taken so much pressure off me during the worst  time in my life. …. Cathy Engel"