Inside Lenz Network

ImaginePublicity on Air: Author Joe McGee, The White House is Fake



Boston Redsox fan, Joe McGee joins the podcast to discuss his latest book, The White House is Fake, a fictional story with several unexpected plot twists that will leave you doubting all that you thought you knew. Synopsis of The White House is Fake It was the year 1956 with President Dwight Eisenhower signing the bill for the Federal-Aid Highway Act into law. It was also known as the National Interstate and Defense Highway Act. The law was executed on June 29, 1956 with an estimate of over 25 billion for the 41,000 miles of highway to be built. In 1957 Dwight Eisenhower modified the act to include a Presidential Protection Act. In 1992 Nelson Conrad was coming back from a fishing trip in Alexandria, VA. He walked by a DOT truck parked on the side of the road. What caught his eye was a DOT worker whirling his finger in the air. He decided to run into the woods and become invisible as he blended in with the tree line. As he watched he saw high level military men come out of a passage way under the highway. T