Meier Clinics Podcast

Inspired Wealth with Dr. Janice Hughes



Join Dr. Lisa Day with one of her mentors, Dr. Janice Hughes. The discussion is about creating wealth from within by learning to use money intentionally with meaning, Dr. Janice Hughes is a leader, a teacher, an author and a executive and business coach to thousands of professionals world-wide. Her unique style of leadership has represented an extraordinarily valued asset to those whose lives she has touched. Janice’s blend of intuition, practicality and incredible focus has made her a role model for all professional women.Startup experience and entrepreneurial fundraising brings life lessons at every step of the Journey. Janice was able to bring her unique voice and executive coaching skills to help Curemark, a start-up biotechnology company, grow from inception to become a mature force in the area of autism and other neurological disorders where there is an unmet healthcare need. And along the way increase the value of the company from 20Million to a valuation of over 150Billion.Janice brings to her work a