Bragging On Jesus

Proverbs 10:19 RA Chowder-Headed Air Pollution



Proverbs 10:19 When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. Chowder-Headed Air Pollution Robin Aylor Here lately I’ve noticed that there’s a whole lot of talking going on, myself included. Whether it’s on Facebook, twitter, TV or just in the daily social scene. There is a lot of mambo-jumbo, crack brained babble floating around… For me, there are times I feel that I have something to say… (at the time they seem like good things) and for some reason, in those situations I just can’t restrain myself. My discernment seems to be lacking and I’m like a horse with side blindfolds on, and so I gallop forward at full speed. I even find myself at times being rude cutting in when someone else is speaking. Howbeit, other people seem to talk a lot also and it can be hard to put your two cents worth in when they don’t even pause to breathe. And so I really do try to wait… but no… my pride wins out… and I burst in speaking louder than the other person just to be heard.