Bragging On Jesus

Proverbs 11:16 RA Think About It



I like how Solomon quite often criss crosses comparisons… they work fine but you have to think about it. He could have said a gracious woman gets honor and vicious conniving women gets riches… instead he mixes the genders which tends to make me pause. Basically, I think the issues is not whether you are a man or a woman… but whether you will pursue riches or honor. Of course you may by happenstance obtain both but they can’t be equal goals. There will be many, many times in life when you have to choose between the two. Will I report all my income on my tax form or be a cheater? Will I slander a fellow employee in order to get the job they are applying for or give them the praise they deserve? Will I fudge on my income in order to get a loan for a new car or home? Will I spend more time at home with my family or work 60 hours a week to enjoy the high life? Will I choose riches or honor? Will you vote for the candidate who promises a better economy or the one who is most honorable? Etc. Jesus was even more