Ask Sue

Ask Sue is joined by Chuck Hawley owner of Sticky the Kitty



On the morning of October 19th, 2018 Chuck Hawley was driving to work in Salem, Oregon when he saw something in the road a few cars ahead. He couldn’t tell what it was but saw that cars were just driving right over it, so he thought nothing of it until that object came out from under the truck in front of him and he saw that it was a kitten sitting up looking right at him. He slammed on his brakes, fumbled for the hazards, and got out to look. There, in the middle of the busy road, was this tiny, wet, shivering kitten. He went to pick it up and realized that it was stuck to the road by some sort of rubber cement. He managed to peal the substance with the kitten still stuck to it off the pavement and took the kitten, glue and all, with him to work. Having no clue what to do next, he and a co-worker tried to clean off the glue which was all over his feet, tail, and neck. Chuck then took the kitten to his vet in Silverton where they used mineral oil and dawn soap to remove the remainder of the glue and miraculou