Aspire Natural Heath

CBD - Treatment for Epilepsy, Anxiety, and Inflammation - DrG talks with Jordan of Jambo Super Foods



IMPORTANT NOTE: Marijuana or Cannabis is currently federally illegal in the USA. Some states allow medical use, while others allow recreational use. CBD is NOT marijuana but an extract of marijauna that is non-intoxicating. It is currently legal in all 50 states as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC (the intoxicating part of marijuana) This is part of a series of interviews Dr. Gerstmar did with experts to try and understand the real pros and cons of cannabis, and share it with you. DISCLAIMER: WE DO NOT ADVOCATE THE USE OF ANY DRUG, PHARMACEUTICAL, PROCEDURE, OR TREATMENT. THIS INFORMATION IS FOR YOUR EDUCATION ONLY. Educate yourself, speak with your doctor or health professional, and decide whether any particular thing makes sense for your life and situation. All things have their benefits and risks. While the research on cannabis is extremely safe, all substances have risks and can cause problems for some people. ======== CBD (cannabinadiol) an extract of cannabis or marijuana. People are