Movies N Sh*t

Episode 10: Double Digit Episodes, Son!



We open our perfect 10th episode by drinking whisky and discussing self-discovery.  Then we lower the bar by talking Batman and even casting our own Batman movie based on our good friend Tyler’s criteria (5:34), delve into the filmography of Jack Black (13:30), talk about shit we’ve seen since last time - highlights include: stand-up comedy flicks, Jim Jarmush zombie flicks, and Will Smith-less Men in Black flicks (17:12), cover James Bond, the news, and the latest James Bond news (36:20), uncover a shared respect and fear for the greatest of all Keanu Reeves films (44:11), and mourn a botched night at the New Beverly Cinema that we’ll never get back (52:20).  Kelly closes with a personal hidden gem recommendation.  Personal shout-outs to Patrick’s friends - Grant, Grayson, Debbie and Jessica, Kelly’s friends - Clay and Michelle, and their only mutual friends - Tyler and Marianne.   All this and more in just over an hour of fun for your earholes!  (Contractual obligations to discuss A