Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover my number 1 tip to making money online. Hey, today I'm going to share with you my social media posting plan for affiliate marketing and what I'm doing.  One point about this plan, is that I don't always follow it to a tea, but it gives me a rough idea on what to do.  Also, everything I'm going to talk about I use free tools or almost free.  The first thing that I work on is Twitter. Twitter has been very successful for me and believe it or not I currently have many different accounts.   There is a way to grow your followers, and have your tweets automatically go out, so you can have a lot of leverage and do a lot of damage, just using a free Twitter account.  After Twitter I use Facebook. You can do a ton of damage with just 1 free Facebook account, but if you like it so much you could even get more than 1 account.  Again, folks there are so many different ways you can market you can pick and choose which way