Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Love and Accept Yourself



Learn more at www.PureSoulAlchemy.com Today's show is a shamanic healing session to support you to Love and Accept yourself more fully.   This is one of the tougher areas for us to change simply because, we ignore our deeper self as a matter of routine.  We've been conditioned to discount our deeper feelings, pain and longings and to disregard and ignore our subtle body's cries for attention, healing and love.   In this session, we will unravel some of our basic unloving programming so that we can more easily and efficiently give ourselves the love and nurturing we've always needed. This is a very important prerequisite to having a vibrantly loving and nourishing relationship. Join in for this 30 minute soul re-alignment process! A transmission of channeled healing technologies which restructure your creative source grid.   Pure Soul Alchemy is a channeled energetic field where transformative operations and procedures are enacted for you while you comfortably relax. Through Gabriella's perception and voc