Marla Martenson

Attract Your Soul Mate With Feng Shui



Topic today, The Art Of Feng Shui To Find Your Soul Mate! Maureen Calamia inspires clients to connect with their True Nature, restore greater harmony and balance in their homes and lives, through the Five Elements of feng shui. Topics covered: feng shui in the home and work space,understanding themselves and loved ones through the Five Natural Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Waterthe I-Ching (a tool to help gain wisdom in making decisions)and sacred space clearings and blessings Maureen: Your host, Marla Martenson is a professional matchmaker, radio show host and the author of three memoirs, Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker, Hearts On The Line & The Buddha Made Me Do It. To order Marla’s book, The Buddha Made Me Do It: Get a personalized message from Marla’s angel, Murth: