Marla Martenson

The Greatest Misconception Women Have About Men



Interview with Robert Manni about what  women need to know about men & what's going on inside their heads right now. Robert Manni is the author of THE GUYS’ GUY’S GUIDE TO LOVE, a novel praised as the “Men’s successor to Sex and the City”. Robert’s website,, features his syndicated blog (On Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness), media appearances, videos and news. He is a featured Blog Talk Radio host of Guy’s Guy Radio™, a weekly call-in podcast. Robert is a world traveler, Reiki Master and teacher, certified advanced clinical Master Hypnotist and a graduate of the Jose Silva Life System. Marla Martenson is a professional matchmaker, radio show host and the author of three memoirs, Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker, Hearts On The Line & The Buddha Made Me Do It. Get a personalized message from Marla’s angel, Murth: