Dr. Ross Greene

Functional Assessments that Change Lives



We went with a more technical topic today, but one that comes up frequently in schools: how to incorporate the CPS model in general and the Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems (ALSUP) in particular into a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and a Behavior Plan. First, you may want to reconsider your definition of "function"...it's not that the student's challenging behavior is helping him get, escape, or avoid, but rather than the behavior communicates that he's lacking the skills to deal with the demands being placed on him in a more adaptive fashion. After that, the ALSUP pretty much gives you all the information you need to write your Behavior Plan...except that you might want to change the name of that document and call it a Problem Solving Plan instead. Helping kids with their challenging behavior isn't about altering their behavior through use of incentives...it's about collaborating on solutions to the problems that are setting in motion their challenging behavior. Listen to the re