Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to discover the number 1 tip to making money online. What do you think it is? Do you agree with it? Here is the link to Display Purposes.  Hey, today I want to talk about Bandcamp, what it is and should you sign up for your affiliate business, the fees involved and how it can help you. Bandcamp is an online music company that was founded in my home town of Oakland CA. I grew right next to Oakland in Castro Valley and Alameda.   I know what you might be thinking if it's a music company why would you sign up for it if you are an affiliate marketer? By now, you probably now I'm a lazy affiliate marketer and I want  to take one peace of content and stick that thing everywhere.  Anchor.FM is a free podcasting platform that I've gotten a lot of success from and Bandcamp allows you to upload your Podcast to as well.  Plus it carries the ultimate price of being free. Soundcloud is another podcasting